Provasiwas founded in the early 1970s on an artisanal tradition in luxury cabinetry, the area of expertise of the founding family.
In recent years, the Provasi range has evolved to follow the mutations in classic taste in Renaissance period Italian furniture, and also 18th century English and French style period furniture.
Currently, on request from agrowing international market, the Provasi style features original and very elegant aesthetics: an actual philosophy of Italian taste.
Visit our showroom in Milan, and you will see quality furnishings with your own eyes.
Via Molino delle Armi 2, angolo Corso Italia 40
20122 Milano
Phone: +39 02 8052898
Tuesday - Saturday 10.00 - 19.00 orario continuato
Monday 15.00 - 19.00
Alternatively, come see us in the Varedo store, the ideal place for people living in the provinces of Monza, Como and Lecco.
Corso Milano 7
20814 Varedo
Phone: +39 0362 580127
Tuesday - Saturday 9.00 - 12.30 | 14.00 - 19.00
Monday 14.00 - 19.00