For Valcucine, the philosophy of dematerialization is a result of much research on materials and their resistance limits, knowledge that has allowed the brand to make products that are reduced to the essential and therefore easily to be disposed.
The best example is certainly the micro-layered ultra-light door of the Riciclantica model, which is made of an aluminium frame designed specifically to be divided into minimum sections, with very solid panels only 2 mm thick.
Worktops are also dematerialized, made of a thin surface of laminate, Cristalite or marble, which allows us drastically reduce the quantity of materials used - by about 60%.
The use of latest generation technological solutions makes it certain that Valcucine products have a longer technical and physical duration: an example of this is the monoblock door made with a typical process used to make car dashboards. Formed from external veneer and internal sheets of a special microfabric, these doors guarantee excellent elasticity and durability. However if, on one hand, technological innovation allows Valcucine to build long-lasting technically advanced products, the rediscovery of craftsmanship and ancient traditions (such as manual decoration and marquetry) contribute to increasing quality by prolonging the "aesthetic" lifespan, on the other. Therefore, the longer products last, the longer the materials used to make them remain in use, which creates a very low environmental impact.
Since substances have a life cycle in nature, and are then re-elaborated and reused, even people must start seeing reuse and recycling as priorities. This is why Valcucine has designed their products to be completely recyclable, creating them with components that are easy to disassemble and separate. The plastics are all marked so that they can be identified quickly. The final goal of recyclability also applies to the other materials: examples are the new bases in invitrum glass and aluminium. Both are recyclable with zero emissions.
In the world, there is only one type of "industry" that is able to produce without polluting: the tree. A producer of wood, the tree functions on solar energy alone, and it releases oxygen, which is fundamental for our survival.
Trees and nature must therefore be protected. Valcucine has chosen to work to restore renewable raw materials, and has started a series of reforestation projects. In fact, Valcucine supports BIOFOREST, an association for the regeneration of natural environments, and promotes "Progetto Occhione", an environmental education programme for middle school children in the province of Pordenone.