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B&B Italia Outdoor protagonist of the Cologne fair

B&B Italia has come back from the IMM Cologne show in January with the confirmation of a growing international interest in its products, specifically, towards its new Outdoor collection, which was the undisputed star of the exhibition.

B&B Italia Outdoor, in fact, which was presented to the public in Cologne with new proposals full of color and flexibility, which saw vibrant nuances inspired by nature, very refined geometries and patterns, and a clever "Mix" of ethnic references and a strong architectural rigor. The result are design solutions that allow for ever greater customization and adaptability, so as to cover environments and styles that are also very different from each other.

These, therefore, are the founding characteristics of the 2019 novelties to which, in addition, the proposals already belonging to the B&B Italia collection, now also renewed in finishes and materials, have been added so as to offer an outdoor collection always in step with the times.

If you are interested in the outdoor proposals of the B&B Italia collection, we invite you to contact us at design@cavallini1920.it or to come to visit us at our Cavallini1920 showrooms, where you can find, with our support, definitely the outdoor furniture that's right for you. Contact us for more information! We are waiting for you!