Armchair mod. Guscioalto by Flexform, design Antonio Citterio. A synthesis of elegance and quality, built for everyday wear and tear, and very user-friendly. Covered in pelledue n. 815, with high backs and structure swivel in metal bronze.
A chic accessory: the headrest cushion fastened with a counterweight to the high back. A stylistic detail that makes the difference.
Dimension: cm 68 x 94 x h 36/95
Brand: Flexform
Disponibilità: Sold
Every six months, products on show in our shops such as kitchens, sofas, armchairs, chairs, cupboards and beds of prestigious brands, are renewed and offered at very special prices. You can furnish your home with a unique and timeless style at a particular price by choosing the products in our outlet, they are new and ready for delivery.
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